Social Distancing

Things To Do While Social Distancing

Due to the current circumstances with COVID19, a lot of people around the world have been advised to stay inside.  Though this is obviously not ideal, I choose to look at this as an opportunity to do lots of things I don’t normally have time for!  

Here are some suggestions for things to do while quarantined/social distancing:

Binge Series/Movies

Normally, I feel guilty if I spend too much time binge-watching shows/movies, but if there was EVER a time for binge-watching without guilt – that time is now! Whether you’re using Hulu, Netflix, Prime, or something else, there is certainly a lot to watch!  This weekend, my fiance and I watched Tiger King.  I highly suggest it if you have Netflix!  I also just finished another season of Love Island (any other Love Island addicts out there!?).  Some movies that were coming soon to theaters are also available to rent online now!

Read a Book

One of my new year’s resolutions was to read at least one book a month.  Thus far, I have been on track to meet this goal.  However, with the extra time at home I am hoping to blow my resolution out of the water!  I especially enjoy sitting on the patio with a book if it’s nice enough outside.


Exercise is how I am breaking up the monotony of sitting around my house.  There are tons of little exercises that you can do indoors – I’ve gone to pinterest for some indoor workout inspo.  If you can, going out for a walk is also a really nice change of scenery.  My doggo is getting extra long walks when it’s nice outside. 🙂 

Spring Clean

My fiance and I have slowly been cleaning the entire apartment.  If we are going to be inside, we might as well be comfortable!  We’ve done a bit of spring cleaning, purging old clothes no longer needed.  Now we are working on a deep clean of the whole house – shampooing carpets and all!  This might not be super enticing for everyone, but I have found it to be really satisfying (and time-consuming)!


I have some puzzles that I never had the time or focus to dedicate to putting together.  While spending so much time at home, I decided to bust them out and I have rediscovered the joy of putting the pieces together.  When you are stuck at home, this is a great activity!



When the weather is nice, I find myself looking for any excuse to be outside.  This inspired another project – tackling our sad excuse for a back yard!  Since we rent, I have been hesitant to put any effort into beautifying the yard.  But I figure, I have all this time so why not!  Our landlord even agreed to decrease our rent by whatever we spend on the yard!  This is definitely an experiment, but I’m hoping to grow some grass in the bare areas and create a little garden bed.  It’ll be a lot more enjoyable to spend time on the patio with it all fixed up!


I love to craft but I haven’t really done so in a long time.  Now that I have the time, I decided I want to make a Bullet Journal!  I think it will be really fun, and doesn’t take up much space (I have a tinyyy apartment y’all!).  This is also a great opportunity to start writing and/or keeping a journal.  


What have you been doing while quarantined/social distancing?  Comment below with any suggestions!
